Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's only been a month and I am in love.

Today (Sunday, when I originally started writing this...the internet crawls at a very slow snail like pace) marks the one month anniversary of my arrival in Africa and I truly enjoying this new relationship (yep I know it might be the honeymoon stage, but hey got to enjoy it while it lasts and hopes that's forever...right?)

(our team on the finished playground)

The country of Guinea is so welcoming, friendly, and beautifully colorful. I love driving down the busy crowded streets of Conakry and having all my senses fully engaged, trying to drink it all in. Red dirt with lushes green trees sprouting soaring out of it trying to escape to clear air making you at times think just maybe you escaped to some tropical paradise. But just when you think maybe this is all just for you your ears are hit with the sounds of horns drivers letting you know they are near. A bike while weave past your car causing you to think he for sure will be clipped by a car up ahead. Women with fruit piled high will sprint across the street as soon as they see a bit of a break in traffic. How she does this with out spilling oranges all over the hood of you car is still a mystery to me (that I hope to one day accomplish myself). The smell of fresh baked bread, fish, garbage and sweat will hit your nose, but it doesn't bother you it almost makes you sense the adventure you are on to the fullest. Your face is sticky with heat and dust from the earth. Bright bolts of fabric dot the landscape and fill the air with a sense of joy. There is nothing like bright yellows, greens, pinks, and blues to pick up the lowest of the low. Life here moves to the constant beat of drums and all you have to do is dance along.

(the first kids to play on the playground)

I love dancing along. One of my favorite days so far was while we were on field service. We would start our days at 8 loading into taxis that would deliver us to our playground location that would be directly under the sun all day. We would work hard until 3pm when we would than walk a block down the street to the handicap village to play with beautiful and energetic kids. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love playing with kids and being crazy with them, but after working hard in the sun all I wanted to do sometimes was go lie down under a fan and not move until the next morning. One day in particular I was really tired and had to drag and almost force a smile on my face. These kids deserved better than that from me. They craved and deserved love and happiness, yet I was stuck being selfish and thinking how can I quickly get through this and back to the house. That's when it all changed. There was to be a wedding that night in the village and so they were testing out the speaker system. More and more people gathered, the drums appeared, and singing began. The one of the best dance parties of my life had just begun. My spirits lifted and tiredness was gone. With pure joy I danced and danced with those little kids and let me tell you they have moves that I don't think I will ever be able to copy. When the music took a break my little circle rebelled and continued dancing to nothing at all, almost making it a game. It was absolutely wonderful. If you ever find yourself here please make sure you get to dance to some African drums and don't worry about looking like a fool. I certainly did and you certainly will, but that's not what it's about.

(sunset from deck 8)

Rainy season is coming to an end which makes me a little sad. It has filled the scene with lush greenery and cooled me down when the heat is about to get unbearable. Also, I find that I am full of so much awe and excitement when there is a thunder storm. Back when we were at the CMA house it was almost becoming a nightly occurrence you could set your clocks to. A breeze would left the curtains from the wall and the whole room would seem to come alive with the cooling breeze. We would all let out a sigh of relief knowing we would not die of heat while sleeping. The room would light up and rumble in such a majestic and powerful way and keep you a bit on your toes, like anything was possible. I love when I have that feeling in my gut, there is such an excitement in knowing there could be adventure, a story, just around the corner. I am lucky because ever since I started this journey and up and moved myself around the globe I have that feeling every morning and I am so thankful for it (I pray I never lose it through out all my days here on earth).

When such power and might is displayed I can not help but be reminded of the power of God. The same power and strength he uses to cause the Earth to tremble with thunder and brighten the sky with bolts lightening, is the same power and strength that he uses in our lives. He is capable of so much and can lift us up off the ground on our days when we stumble and weep. He can chart and guide us down winding rivers and bring us to safety in his arms. He is able to answer the toughest of prayers and create such beauty within us. Nothing is too far out of reach for God. He can lead us down adventurous paths to bring us closer to him and closer to those that he loves dearly. Paths that we could have never even fathomed in our wildest dreams.

 (my cabin window)

You all are in my thoughts and prayers. May your days be filled with wonder and awe.


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