Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Times of Change

My houseboat...nothing quite like being able to call this beauty home.

My time on the ship is coming to an end and of course whenever one chapter is closing you become very reflective. I forever will be thankful for these years with Mercy Ships and what they have shown me and taught me. I have made forever friends, traveled to places I never thought possible, met people from many walks of life, seen miracles and lives transformed. I do not think I will ever find the words appropriate to explain what these past years have meant to me.

Yaya and Yaya 2 hanging out at the Hope Center in Guinea.

The girls and I enjoying the beauty that is South Africa quickly jumped to the top of my favorite places ever. sidenote: when traveling through some of the most gorgeous landscapes it really pays to have a friend who is great with a camera. Thank you Josh for being our personal photographer that week.

It has been a wonderful adventure full of discovery of who I am in Christ, the truth in God's Word, and a lesson on living life with joy. Everyday no matter what is happening around you, you can look and see moments of pure joy. You can choose joy through the midst of your darkest days. There can be days that feel so full of happiness you could truly burst with joy. No matter what you can choose God over and over again and feel that love and joy he has promised each and every one of us. This ship and this life has shown me that everyone matters. That God loves each and every one of us. We are all worthy of his love, but we have choices and freedom in that. We must choose to accept that love and joy in every moment. It is not just a onetime choice and there are moments where I truly fall short, but that is what is so amazing about this life. When you do fall short you can reach out for help and ask for the grace of forgiveness and for guidance.

God spoiled me with love by bringing into my life some of the most amazingly wise and hilarious girlfriends. I cannot wait for the future reunions....when we buy the farm (girls that departed already I will need to fill you in on the plans).

Celebrating my 30th in the Congo with friends from around the world...who would have thought. Also, early mornings are okay when breakfast is ready on the table and presents surround you.

As a young child I had dreams and sometimes I thought they were crazy and then as I got older I thought I made too many wrong turns that for sure God would not want to help me see them come true. The lies I believed and the unworthiness I felt were heavy. They sucked the life and joy out of me at times and I was consumed with bitterness. It was not until the start of this journey with Mercy Ships that I truly realized how many burdens I was unnecessarily carrying around with me. I started finally choosing joy and that continues to be the theme of my life. I learned what it feels like to laugh with authenticity like I have not in many years. I have learned what it is to love with abandon. I have learned what it is to be confident in Christ and with who he has made me.

The lovely HR and hospitality ladies spent some time making cookies for the crew.

HR serving up ice cream to the fantabulous AFM crew. I think HR is guilty of some crew gaining "mercy hips".

Before you think "man she has it all together now" I still have my days where I wake up and just want to stay under the covers. I still have my days where I wish I had someone else’s life. I still wonder why am I single when God knows I long to be a wife and mother. But those lies are getting quieter. Those days are getting fewer. The fears, lies, and doubt are less and the courage, confidence, love, and trust are getting stronger.

Congo Youth Group Christmas Dinner

One of my dreams was to at some point live on a house boat. I of course thought small in a cute harbor somewhere, but hey how was I to know to envision a large retired train ferry turned hospital ship as home. So, I get to check that box on my crazy dream list. I also always wanted to go to Africa and that now gets to be a BIG check as well (granted I will want to come back at some point so maybe leave it unchecked). A dream of mine has always been to serve the Lord overseas and help those in need. I longed to be His hands in the field and to work His land near and far. Well, the joy in your heart while you work in the place God has designed for you is the ultimate feeling of peace. I also always dreamed of road tripping around Europe and well that too came true with some of the best girlfriends new and old.

The most amazing Advance Team in Benin. How I miss this wonderful country and long to one day return. So many wonderful new friendships were made there. You all are in my daily prayers.

When I first started I had no idea what I was getting into. I had no idea what working in HR was like. I had no experience working in an international setting. There were so many unknowns, so many fears. I did not even know if there was going to be one person I could connect with and if I would have friends. I left all the known behind and stepped on new ground. And that right there is what has built the confidence and trust. I have seen all those fears be wiped out and I have seen God lavish upon be in abundance the joys and gifts of this life. 
Screening Day 1 in Tamatave-Madagascar

He gave me the skills and talents needed to do my job and to do my job well as HR Assistant Manager. I was able to spend two years loving on the most amazing crew members. I was able to go around the world and serve those that are in turn serving those in great need in Guinea, Congo, and Madagascar. I have been able to serve some of my most favorite people on board as a youth leader for the Jr. High and High School students who are serving on board with their families. He brought me to Benin on the Advance Team where the job and skills I preformed fit perfectly with my dream of heading up youth ministry somewhere internationally. I was able to rest and relax in-between field service in some of the most beautiful destinations where my soul and tired bones were rejuvenated. Seriously, if you can you have to get yourself to the Northern Coast of Spain or to Cape Town, South Africa. There was a stint of doing PR tours in Cape Town, working with a team of fabulous tour guides, and meeting many wonderful people whose hearts were touched by what the hospital onboard does (seeing some of those faces now onboard is the cherry on top). And to wrap it all up I have been asked to spend my last month here helping in the Communications Dept. as a Media Liaison. Which if you do not know this department is one of the most fabulous teams to work with and their creativity and work ethic is top notch.

Cape Town Public Tours

I have learned to be open and willing to try anything, to remain flexible, and to realize God has so much more in store than I could possibly believe. Who knows what is next, but I do know I have dreams. I want to spend quality time with my family, friends, and supporters that I have missed greatly while serving. Christmas in Northern California has been very much missed and doing that for a third year in a row just seems impossible, so I will be home for Christmas. I will be home to love on all those I missed. I dream of one day road tripping around the states. I dream of serving in youth ministry, I dream of living on a ranch, I dream of riding horses all day, and most of all I dream of having my own family one day. I believe in time I will see some if not all and more dreams come true. I trust my heavenly Father with the future and I will keep taking the steps required for this journey to continue.

First getaway in Madagascar and it was just what my weary soul needed.

Also, it is not too late to still support me financially. I am still needing to pay off the cost of my tickets and some other last minute expenses. I was not planning on staying into December so to say I am short on funds is a bit of an understatement. One of the hardest things about doing volunteer work for years is sucking up your pride and asking for financial support. So, if you think you can spare a couple dollars I would love for you to hit the support button on the side of this page. 

On that same note though, I must say I have been well supported through the years and I have seen great miracles and provision. There is nothing like having to trust God and others to pay your living expenses. It is humbling and makes me realize how deeply I am loved. Thank you for listening, supporting, praying, and helping any way you can. You have been a large part in who I am today and what I have learned and experienced. I am forever thankful for you and your kind heart.

I will be home for Christmas :)....but a bit of a heads up....I am tired, and well I will probably be very cold. So, whoever picks me up at the airport bring me a jacket and blankets and for you music and coffee to keep you up while I sleep on the drive home.