Monday, September 15, 2014

Where I have been and where I am going

Today I can finally say I am sailing to Madagascar!

Where have I been?

Well, I was in Cotonou, Benin for 3 months living in a house with an amazing team of 10 people that made up the Advance Team, preparing for the ship to arrive. As you can probably figure out the ship has changed directions J
Advance Team Benin 2014

It was clear that at the time I would be best used for the organization back on board the ship in my role as HR Assistant Manager so they flew me home. I arrived on the ship while it was in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria and was blessed with 3 weeks of sun and beaches (of course all in my off work hours). I landed and was put straight to work the next morning. Thank goodness for good friends, good food, and good beaches. They all got me through my not so easy transition and my crazy busy work weeks. That is right, it has not been that easy and I believe it is a small taste at what moving back state side will be like. I have felt alone, tired, frustrated, unheard, emotional, and plum crazy from time to time. It has gotten better, but I also have become more real with how hard it is to adjust to life where no one understands what you just lived through. I could not imagine what it would be like to be doing this work without the knowledge that I have a strong and all powerful God to lean on and that showers me with love. It is a real comfort and I need him more than ever when I have my hard days. Him and I are real tight and have gone through some hard times before, so He’s got this in the pocket yo (that’s for you Remy) and He’s got me.

Where am I going?

We left the beautiful Canary Islands Saturday afternoon and our first destination is Cape Town, South Africa. This is going to be the longest sail of my sailing career as well as the longest sail for this ship, the Africa Mercy. We will be sailing for the next few weeks hoping to make land fail 29 Sept – 02 Oct. Who knows how long we will be in Cape Town but I hope long enough to explore because I have always dreamed of going to South Africa and I would love to catch up with some of my lovely friends that call it home.

Cape Town, South Africe

After our time there we will set sail for Madagascar (I know I gave you that answer at the very beginning, but I was just too excited). Now I know it is not really the way the movie depicts it and I know many challenges may lie ahead. It will not always be smooth sailing (yea I just did that), but that is what has me excited. I am full of that “anything can happen” feeling and I know without a doubt God has a plan and a purpose for this ship and for me. I cannot wait to see how the country of Madigascar and the ship will partner together to help the people and to train up local professionals to continue the work once we depart. If you want more from the Press Release click the link below.

What does this mean for me?

To say my plans have changed is an understatement. I am still trying to wrap my head around that only a little over 3 weeks ago I was in Benin. It seems as if I blinked and my time in the Canary Islands passed. Now I am sitting on a boat with nothing but deep blue water surrounding me and I soon will be in South Africa. My time was to end with Mercy Ships at the end of October, but well that would leave me with departing the boat in the Indian Ocean via a floatation device of some kind or flying out the moment we arrive. I need to see a lemur first J (kidding, well sort of). There are so many changes and there is so excitement in my life right now that I feel I need to stay a bit longer to see some of it out. I am praying what that means entirely, but I do know that it means I have extended at least until 20 Nov.

I promised my fun and sassy grandma that I would be home for her birthday this year and I miss holidays back home something fierce, so I know that I need to come home to California. That is all I am planning now. I do not know much past that. I am continuing in the application process for potentially doing International Young Life and my heart still dreams of staying here with Mercy Ships. So, prayer and thinking, and discussing will continue to happen until I can see clearly what my next step is. No matter what I know I will be serving God somewhere around the world reaching out to those needing love and healing. Both organizations are ones I am passionate about and love being a part of.

What do I need?

What I need though is a break, I am tired. It has been a 1.5 years since I have been stateside or taken a break from work, so it is long overdue. I need to hug some babies, share wine with friends, and laugh with family. My soul longs to reconnect with loved ones far and wide.

Here comes the part I dread but need to do. I need help. I am staying about a month longer than I had planned two years ago, so I need a little more funding. I also am looking at a pretty hefty increase in ticket fare to fly home from Madagascar. Yes, it is exciting and I am so thankful I get this opportunity to serve the people of the island nation of Madagascar, but I also sit here praying for God to show me how I can do it. I know he always has seen me through and I have had the most amazing supporters for 2 years now (seriously, you all rock).

If you are feeling a tug on your heart to help it would be so greatly appreciated. I am looking at needing around $5000. If all you can do is $5 that helps greatly or if you cannot donate but you know someone who might love to, please feel free to share. I know this is a lot, but I also know it can be done. You click the link below or to the link I just posted on my facebook to donate.

As always I could also greatly use prayer:
  • Pray for strength, rest, and peace. I am tired and at times still battling with the adjustment of being back from Advance and on this ship.
  • Pray I can enjoy and rest in South Africa a bit
  • Pray for unity and support at work.  
  • Pray that I can get connected and make new friends considering some of mine have gone home or not returned yet.
  • Pray for my fundraising and the cost to return home.
  • Pray for my grandma’s health and that she stays sassy and cool while awaiting for our wonderful birthday party reunion
  • Pray for my future and for the direction my path is to take
  • Pray for my sister, Danielle, as she starts college (UCLA)
Danielle, my beautiful and unbelievably smart and talented sister.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for helping me feel loved and supported. You have been such a gift to me and have helped me see how loved and taken care of I am by God and those he has put in my life.

